
Thanks for all the good hints. I am trying to comment them all at once:

First of all: The comparison was running Xfree, icewm, nedit and an own 
application completely under cygwin on the same machine - not outgoing 
connections. That is exactly my problem: I want to avoid using two 
computers for my project.

Second: Good hint is network listening: my own application (you can find 
a very early stage on http://www.brunsteinobs.de.vu/ under the XCCD 
section) uses TCP/IP socket communication to cummunicate with a rabbit 
core module. While XCCD is running under LinuX (or cygwin), the rabbit 
programming environtment needs Windows.

Third: both systems were compared just ruuning Xfee, icewm and nedit 
under cygwin without extra IP stuff running. Opening the IP port does 
not even change anything.

Forth: My Win98 machine has DirectX 8.1 which seems to be the latest 
version available from M$.

So I guess it is the difference between NT optimization and Win9x.

Best regards,


Andrew Markebo wrote:

> / Andrew Markebo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> | A hint, give vnc a try when connecting from your home-pc, can do quite
> | good transfer :-)
> | 
> | What link is used BTW when working from home? (could it be something
> And link I mean media, connection, whatever, how do you connect
> between the computers.. 
>         /Andy

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