I read through the contributors guide, but couldn't find any mention of
how to contribute a binary port of a utility.  So after considerable
hunting around the web site, trying to find out how to make such a
contribution, I found the above vaguely-likely address.

If that's wrong, could someone be kind enough to forward this on to the
relevant person?

The contribution is simply a build of the Window Maker window manager
(http://www.windowmaker.org/) for Cygwin/Xfree86.  It's linked to from
a write-up on setting up your X on Windows, and using it to display
parts of your Unix desktop on your windows machine, at:

My initial (5MB) binary package for Window Maker is
(I'm going to try it out at work in a few days on a "cold"
installation, and see if I managed to collect all the components
together properly.)

Please let me know if *any* of this is useful.  Personally I think one
thing that might be holding back Cygwin-Xfree86's usefulness is the very
primitive twm window manager that comes as the default with the

Would a better place for extra binaries (for a judicious assortment of
a few window managers), be
ftp://mirrors.rcn.net/pub/sourceware/cygwin/xfree/binaries/4.2.0/ ?
I have limited space on my web site, so the 5MB WM package, above, is
stretching it a bit.

Oh, and so this isn't entirely off the proper topic:  the link for
Sergey Orkhapin on the page http://cygwin.com/xfree/ is borken:
http://miracle.geol.msu.ru/sos/ doesn't exist.


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