Please confine these types of observations to cygwin-xfree.

This is off-topic for cygwin-apps.

Thank you.

On Tue, May 14, 2002 at 03:49:17AM +0200, daffy wrote:
>I have tryed to compile some other great window manager and I can say that some of 
>them look working well with cygwin/xfree.
>You wil find some screenshots at
>aew++, pwm & oroborus compiles fine but does not look working, dunno why, i will 
>check this later.
>hum... i have not try to configure them too....
>blackbox, fluxbox & Waimea just  works fine without any changing in the source code.
>Maybee will you add them in the cygwin repesitory.....  
>hum... some libs compile just fine, libGMP4, liblzo and maybee others, to my mind 
>they are usefull for dev.
>aterm works as well but uses 99% of my CPU when starting, i will run it un gdb after 
>my exams and please add irssi in the packages list !
>        /daffy

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