Harold Hunt wrote:

> 2) In libiconv-1.7-2.sh, prefix is set to 'prefix=/usr/local'.  That should
> be changed to '/usr' before this package is released, right?


> I'm sorry Chuck.  I just read the link that you sent to an email that you
> wrote... with very detailed answers to both of my questions.

Don't sweat it.

 > What Cygwin directory do you think libiconv should go in?

The regular one -- cygwin/release/*.  It's not x-specific.

But now that I look closer, you should probably refactor the .sh script 
to package things up "right" from the beginning:

release/iconv/iconv-1.7-X.tar.bz2 (*)

release/iconv/libiconv2/libiconv2-1.7-X.tar.bz2 (**)
release/iconv/libcharset1/libcharset1-1.7-X.tar.bz2 (**)

(*) contains everything except cygiconv-2.dll and cygcharset-1.dll
(**) the setup.hint file uses the 'external-source: iconv' incantation

I wouldn't bother with splitting out the "development" files into -devel 
packages -- iconv doesn't seem to version those as strongly as, for 
instance, libpng does.


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