
Use the current name with the knowledge that the people we are targeting at
aren't going to want to use a 3rd party launcher app at the same time as
their cygwin distro.


We aren't targetting at developers. We are targetting at schools / govt
offices who need access to x-based apps as a intermediate step to linux
desktops. And although I appreciate your comments, the out and out criticism
really isn't that helpful.

Do you expect every administrator that wants to install cygwin on umpteen
boxes to set up a custom cygwin install script and site-specific batch files
to use the cygwin X server? That's elitist.

Ben Nolan

----- Original Message -----
From: "Robert Collins" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "'Tim Thomson'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "'cygwin-xfree Mailing
Sent: Saturday, June 15, 2002 8:17 PM
Subject: RE: Cut down xfree server for XDMCP only

> > -----Original Message-----
> > [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Tim Thomson
> > Sent: Saturday, 15 June 2002 2:44 PM
> > There is much work I need to do on this, but I have exams for the next
> > week so won't get much of a chance. One of my main concerns
> > is that our
> > current install modifies the registry keys used by cygwin, so
> > installing
> > it will break an existing setup (although is quite easy to fix, it is
> > messy).
> Yes, this is bad.
> > TODO:
> > Recompile cygwin1.dll to look in a different registry
> > location, so we
> > don't use the same location as cygwin. Currently our install modifies
> > the cygwin registry keys, so will break an existing install.
> You will also need to:
> * Change the shared segment name, or you will break existing installs at
> runtime.
> * Change the dll name, as the install you are proposing is not
> compatible with the cygwin net distribution.
> * Recompile *everything* to use the new .dll name.
> OR
> Just leverage the cygwin setup program, and let all the pain go away.
> Rob

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