On Sat, Jul 06, 2002 at 02:24:13PM +1000, Greg Lane wrote:
>On Fri, Jul 05, 2002 at 11:57:55PM -0400, Christopher Faylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> On Sat, Jul 06, 2002 at 01:17:13PM +1000, Greg Lane wrote:
>> >Then I have tried pointing my font path to it (with xset fp= ...) 
>> >from a number of sources
>> >
>> >1) remote machine running freebsd
>> >2) from cygwin x-server on the same machine
>> >3) from XWinPro on the machine
>> Can you send what, exactly, you are typing?  xset fp=...?
>> cgf
>xset fp= ...
>where ... depended on where I was on the network at the time:
>1) xset fp= tcp/
>   xset fp= tcp/hostname.xxx.xxx:7100
>2) xset fp= tcp/localhost:7100
>   xset fp= tcp/
>   xset fp= tcp/:7100
>3) same as 2)

Thanks.  I'd never used the 'xset fp=' command before.

Unfortunately, now that I've tried running things, the best I can do is
confirm that it core dumps for me, too.  It probably wouldn't be
terrifically hard to track down with a debugging version of xfs, running
under gdb but that would require building xfs, which I'm not set up to

Maybe someone who has the sources on their machine could give this
a try...


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