I would opt for the wxwindows port - it includes suppport for all the
mentioned platforms - including OS/2. (this is btw used/supported by
Schitech for their Display Doctor 7.0)

I also believe that wxwindows should compile for cygwin - it would be a
nice inclusion if anybody had the time and skills to maintain that ( I wish
I had - but I lack both skills and time.. )

BTW - I definitely understand the wish for a cross platform solution - when
you create such an application it really is much easier to maintain if you
only have one piece of sourcecode...

Med venlig hilsen / Regards
Franz Wolfhagen

"Harold Hunt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>@cygwin.com on 22-07-2002 05:48:24


>To:   "cygwin-xfree Mailing List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject:   RE: New (Delphi) xlauncher
>> wxWindows - a _lot_ like MFC, but cross-platform. Would need to be made
>> into a cygwin package. Would be the easiest to rewrite the delphi app
>> in.
>> win32api isn't very cross platform. Could use wine to port it to
>> unix/linux?
>> I'll look at how hard it would be to build wxWindows dll for cygwin, if
>> that works well, I may use it, otherwise win32api may be the way,
>> although pretty much eliminates a cross platform approach.
>I am getting seriously confused here.  Why are you so excited about making
>this a cross-platform application?  Cite me one example of someone that
>would need this program to be cross platform.
>Think about it: you are creating a graphical application that launches a
>graphical windowing system.  Therefore, you have to already have a
>windowing system of some form running.  At last count, that means that you
>are running either Windows, Mac OS X, OS/2, or maybe BeOS.  You certainly
>can't be running on any platform that uses X11 as the graphical windowing
>system, because you would have to have X11 running in order to launch X11
>via your launcher.
>Now, the Mac OS X folks have lots of neat ways that their server is
>tied into the Mac OS X-specific startup methods and such.  Supporting BeOS
>would be a silly academic waste of effort.  OS/2 is similar, but good luck
>finding a cross-platform toolkit that includes OS/2 support.
>So, what are your real targets here?  Have I missed some operating system
>that also needs an X launcher utility?

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