Nicholas Wourms wrote:
> Harold,
> Thanks for the sarcasm, but it was hardly warranted.  I was simply
> restating the facts for those who were not involved.  Also, it seems
> that you missed one of the points of that discussion, which was that
> all things of XFree nature should be discussed on the XFree list,
> regardless of whether it was released as a dual mode application or
> as an X-only application.
>>You seem to have confused the *directory* release/XFree86 with the 
>>*category* XFree86.  Go back and read my original response and you
>>will see that I was trying to figure out if this package is more of
>>a Cygwin responsibility, rather than a Cygwin/XFree86
> I was adressing your concerns over which mailing list this should be
> on, who cares where it is actually located in the release directory.
> And, according to the mailing lists webpage:
> "cygwin: a high volume ... There are two exceptions ... questions
> about the Cygwin/XFree86 project (or any X-related questions for
> cygwin) should go to the cygwin-xfree mailing list (see below)..."
> "cygwin-xfree: a list for discussion of all things related to XFree86
> on Cygwin (Cygwin/XFree86). If you have questions about how to use,
> configure, install, build, or develop with Cygwin/XFree86, this is
> the list for you...."
> If I were new and read this page, I think it would be safe to assume
> that this list *is* the appropriate one for discussing this matter. 
> Considiering hew wanted to offer an extension to the ghostscript-x11
> package.  Ghostscript is *not* in the XFree86 directory because it is
> a dual-mode application.
>>Of course, you are still right in pointing out that the
>>ghostscript-x11 package should be in the XFree86 category.
>>However, I was asking where the files were stored, not which
>>category they will be in.  If the files are stored in release/,
>>then they are of no concern to me.  If the files are stored in
>>release/XFree86/, then they are my responsibility.
> Ghostscript-x11 is in the same directory as the rest of the
> ghostscript distribution, which is under /release.  Your requirement
> that all packages that are XFree-related go under /release/XFree86
> doesn't make sense.  Why should ghostscript be split up and have some
> parts in /release/ghostscript and others in
> /release/XFree86/ghostscript?  This makes things more complicated
> then they have to be.  Anyhow, your argument that package discussion
> on this list be limited to packages under /release/XFree86 is
> contrary to what Chris and others have stated on the other lists and
> the mailing-list webpage.  They claim that any Cygwin/XFree-related
> discussion should be on this list.  His post was regarding
> cygwin-ghostscript-x11 and cygwin-GSView (x11), which seems to be
> awefully Cygwin/Xfree-related to me.

I didn't make a requirement that all XFree86-related packages go in 
release/XFree86.  I said that if something isn't in release/XFree86/, 
then I have no authority to do anything with it (upload files, delete 
files, make releases, etc.).  I can only touch stuff in release/XFree86/.

Splitting the X part out of general packages and sticking the two halves 
in release/ and release/XFree86/ is a stupid idea, and I certainly never 
suggested that.

I wasn't making an argument that the package be discussed on cygwin or 
cygwin-apps rather than cygwin-xfree.  What I said was that if the 
package is stored in release/, rather than release/XFree86/, and if the 
X part of the package is very small, then discussing the posting the 
release announcement only to cygwin-xfree is silly.  Maybe 5% of users 
will use the X component, so why is there not an announcement elsewhere?

Hey, here is another clue that this isn't just XFree86-related: look at 
the subject line!  This isn't a ghostscript-x11 package, this is a new 
version of ghostscript.  ghostscript has been discussed on other mailing 
lists for ages and it would be ridiculous to start posting all 
ghostscript development discussion to cygwin-xfree.  Perhaps you have 
some inside knowledge that this announcement was actually supposed to be 
titled ``ghostscript-x11-7.05-1'', but I am not a mind reader so to me 
this message looks like a general release for the whole ghostscript system.

>>The next reply I need is from Jack Larsen.
> Well you're getting my 2 cents on this anyhow :-).  Besides, I
> answered your query as to where ghostscript-x11 was located.
> Cheers,
> Nicholas



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