Hi All,

I'm a first time poster so appologies if I've misunderstood the etiquette 
rules or not found a previous answer to this.

The message at :


Lists polling as an unsatisfactory way of handling the ownership setting 
issue.  Whilst I agree I do have a slight variation to question on.

If a windows hook were used i.e. SetWindowsHookEx would this not tell you 
when the XWin looses focus.  Would this not be a good time to claim 
ownership of selection and ask for it's content.

The reverse would also be true that you could use the time when XWin gains 
focus to handle the setting ownership of PRIMARY and CLIPBOARD to hold the 
windows clipboard data.

Again excuse the ignorance if this isn't helpful in anyway.  I only started 
looking at xwinclip 3 days ago and I'd never seen X development before that.

Hope it is helpful,

Chris Twiner

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