
Repeat the entire scenario you described, but start XWin with the 
``-engine 1'' parameter, e.g.
XWin -engine 1

The default graphics engine on Windows 2000/XP will be DirectDraw 4.0; 
DirectDraw will probably have a problem with RDP --- I am surprised that 
it works at all.  The ``-engine 1'' parameter will tell XWin to use GDI 
DIBs (Device Independent Bitamps) and regular GDI BLTs (Bit-Block 
Transfers) as the graphics engine; GDI will be less prone to having a 
problem with RDP.

If RDP works with the GDI engine then I know exactly what to fix; if 
not, I will have to pump you for some more information.


Jean-Claude Gervais wrote:

>This is complicated, so I'll try to be clear.
>Let's say you have machine A, which is a Windows XP machine that has Cygwin
>and Cygwin-XFree installed on it.
>You use A to connect to B. B is a machine running Linux and X.
>Everything so far works.
>Then you use machine C (a machine running Windows 2000) to remote-control
>machine A with Windows XP Remote Desktop Client (RDP).
>Machine C can use machine A's Cygwin-XFree connection and view machine B. No
>However, when machine C breaks its connection to machine A, machine A's
>Cygwin-XFree will no longer display machine B. It will instead display a
>white screen in Cygwin-XFree.
>Although I am pretty sure that A is still connected and controlling B, it
>can no longer see B's display.
>It seems like Remote Desktop Client mucks-up Cygwin-XFree.
>I hope that that was clear enough.

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