On Mon, 23 Sep 2002, Nicholas Wourms wrote:

> How about a seperate package call X11-compat for this?  Just seems
> like a waste of space for people who don't care.

Good idea

> library name used on *nix: libXfoo.0.0.so

actually libXfoo.so.0.0, everything else will also break the library 

> *for Cygwin:
> ============
> runtime name:
> -------------
> "cyg" + <basename> + "." + <major> + "." + <minor> + "." + "dll"
> [i.e. cygXfoo.0.0.dll]

Any minor version bump will break older clients. They will request
cygXfoo.0.0.dll but cygXfoo.0.1.dll is installed and is sufficient.

if we name it only cygXfoo.0.dll, can the cygwin installer make sure
that at least package foo-x.y-1 is installed and not only foo-x.y-0
for all packages requiring the new version?

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