Some of you have noticed that a message is being added to /tmp/XWin.log every time that winAddRgn (or something close to that) is called.

Other of you have also noticed that certain window operations and other random operations are slower than expected in Cygwin/XFree86 with rootless mode enabled.

It turns out that these two issues are related. The winAddRgn function is being called many, many, many thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of times and the average window operation may cause it to be called several hundred times. As you can imagine, writing a message to the log file during every one of these calls is an extraordinary burden.

I built a test version for my own purposes with this logging message disabled and I fully expected the performance hit to go away. Well, it did, for the most part. I would estimate that about 95% of the slowdown in rootless mode was caused by this errant logging, but the rootless mode is still a little bit slower than non-rootless mode. However, the performance hit is now well worth the features and new usage scenarios that rootless mode provides.

I used Cygwin/XFree86 today in rootless mode for several hours while creating a LaTeX document for my homework and creating figures for that document in xfig. Rootless mode made it so much easier to switch between emacs and xfig running under Cygwin/XFree86 to Adobe Acrobat or to Mozilla running under Windows. (Yes, I know, I could use ghostscript to view my pdf, but gs keeps crashing on startup whenever I try to run it; also, Acrobat is much more user-friendly than gs).

So, rootless mode makes Cygwin/XFree86 actually useful for the primary maintainer to get some work done! This is astonishing! :)


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