
Would that mail client be Sylpheed?

I looked into it and generally liked what I saw, but the fact that it uses MH style message storage (one file per message!!) led me to decide I could not switch to it. That's far to much storage overhead for me to tolerate since I keep very large archives of the many mailing lists to which I subscribe.

If it's some other mail client, I'd like to hear about it, because I'm looking to trade up from Eudora, but the only feature that it's missing (apart from it's limited platform support) is message threading based on message IDs (not merely subject headers). Everything else about it is pretty good, especially it's searching and filtering capabilties.

Randall Schulz
Mountain View, CA USA

At 20:41 2002-10-21, you wrote:
On 21 Oct, Harold L Hunt II wrote:
> I also use Cygwin/XFree86 to display X forwarded windows via ssh from
> other hosts... this is more convenient that XDMCP when the remote host
> is running some crap WM like CDE, or when XDMCP logins are disabled to
> save processing resources (like at the cyclotron lab that I work at).

At home, my wife uses is to run a nice GUI mail client that's safe from Windows viruses etc. (since it's actually running on a Linux box), under Windows 95.

I'm also doing the same thing on my laptop at work, for when I'm off site and want to slogin to read my email (which again, is delivered to my Linux machine there).


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