
I think you need to point your ``font path'' at the font server running on the Solaris 8 machine. You can do this with the XWin.exe command-line parameter ``-fp''. There are examples on the web, and there is an example in the Cygwin/XFree86 FAQ:


Note that ``-fp'' and the ``font path'' are not specific to Cygwin/XFree86, so they are not documented in the Cygwin/XFree86 User's Guide. Rather, these two items are generic to all XFree86 X Servers and therefore you can find lots of information about them from many sources on the web.

Let us know if you have further questions, and be sure to let us know if the ``-fp'' parameter solves your problem.


Schiretz, Helmut F wrote:

I have successfully installed and used Cygwin-Xfree86 (1.3.13 I believe -
which I got from nas.nasa.gov) on a Windows 2000 machine and I am able to
remotely connect to a Solaris 2.6 machine, but not to a Solaris 8 machine
(it freezes whilst
trying to connect).

I have successfully installed Cygwin (1.3.14 I believe) on a Windows XP
machine - it runs fine, but the X server
locks up (freezes) whilst trying to connect to either the Solaris 2.6

I have looked everywhere for the answer to these problems and how to resolve
them - to no avail.

I would greatly appreciate your input on these matters,

Helmut F. Schiretz Complex Maintenance Facility, Canberra Deep Space Communication Complex.
PO Box 638,FYSHWICK, ACT, Australia 2609
Tel: +61 2 6201 7850 Fax: +61 2 6201 7929 email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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