David Calkins wrote:
> At 02:57 PM 11/17/2002 +0100, you wrote:
> >David Calkins wrote:
> > >
> > > I'm trying to connect up to a machine at work using XDMCP.  My home machine
> > > is Win2k + Cygwin + XFree86.  I made sure to use the cygwin setup program
> > > to get the latest packages.  I'm using the -query option to do this, i.e.
> > > XWin -depth 32 -engine 4 -fullscreen -refresh 85 -screen 0 1024 768 -query
> > > $remotehost
> > > I get the login screen, enter my username and password and attempt to
> > > login.  For some reason, I just get bounced back to the login screen
> > > again.  I've been unable to get this to work.
> > >
> > > Any ideas as to what could cause this?
> > >
> >
> >What is the machine you are connecting to ? Is it running a CDE environment ?
> >I've seen this happen for CDE when not all the needed fonts are available for
> >the CDE session.
> >Contact your system adminstrator to see if they have a font server running in
> >your company.
> >
> >Staf.
> Thanks for the reply.  The machine I'm connecting to is running HP-UX and
> yes, CDE.  wrt the font server.  Is it a matter of me running a font server
> on my local machine or having a font server running on the machine I'm
> trying to connect to?  If they're not running a font server and I'm able to
> get them to run one, does the configuration on my local box have to change?

It is a matter to have the fonts available needed by the HP-UX CDE environment
for your X server.
This can be done by either copying the needed fonts from the HP machines to
your local XFree86 installation (something I can't help with) or use one of
the HP machines with the needed fonts as a font server.
Anyway what happens when you select failsafe session during login ?


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