If, on the other hand, the applications work fine with xclipboard, then maybe we will be able to do a better job of handling the selections.
Well actually I can't even get the cygwin one to run let alone do anything. It pops up a small window with a very confused button set then shows cancel or something similar every time I try to use it.

Using the openwin (solaris) xclipboard these applications work fine, the selection is fine and everything works as expected.

We are not doing a very good job of figuring out how the commercial X applications out there handle clipboard integration. They *never* grab the primary selection and they always have the most recently selected text from either clipboard.
Only ever when you leave one of their windows. Don't forget that they, like you know when you're window is left. That is the time to find out if anything has been grabbed. Also I'm fairly sure that most messages go through the X server so it shouldn't be very difficult to trap drags, ctrl+c's etc. Or more likely the real message ids.

Maybe they are doing this through polling, which we are trying to avoid, but I am not even sure how polling would solve the problem (unless you poll for the selection, compare it to the old data, and act accordingly, which would put a huge demand on network bandwidth...).
I doubt polling would solve much. Either way you are still causing unnecessary bandwith hogging when you steal ownership, not much most of the time but heh.

More importantly the way that most X users expect the selection system to work (again as a user) is like my fix had made i.e. don't grab the selection. As a side point, yes I prefer my version of xwinclip to exceeds rather poor clipboard handling, including the recent release. Plus it always crashes and it's dead slow. I prefer cygwin/xfree86 by a long shot.

It is our problem (well anyone who wants to use xwinclip) and it should be fixed. The hook dll doesn't need to be used as XWin can notify the app itself (if you have it inbuilt into xwin then multiple instances of xwin won't work properly together (although I'm not sure they do anyway), i'm talking about running xwin more than once not a screen option).
Oh please. Integrating the clipboard support into the XWin.exe executable is not going to forbid it from working with multiple screens run by one executable, nor is it going to forbid multiple instances of XWin.exe.
The oh please is a little childish don't you think? I never said it would forbid anything. But in terms of real issues that would have to be tackled:

- setjmp and longjmp would not be usable within the xwin, they work on stack unwinding and would unwind the whole stack (pos solution to run as a thread but xlib doesn't like that very much).
- if you do have multiple instances of the code that does the selection handling you will have to use ipc mechanisms to handle the change in selection loop (xwinclip a and b). A notices that an applicaiton in it's instance has changed the selection, it copies it to the clipboard. B notices that the clipboard has changed and claims ownership, a notices that an app.... If R4 programmers could do it, I'm sure you or I could.

You might have to program a little more carefully, but there is nothing about having the functionality present in XWin.exe that prevents anything from working correctly.
Never said there was.

You have mentioned before that X-Win32 is using an Xt-app for their clipboard support... but I have never noticed such an app.
I'm a little confused here I have never mentioned X-Win32 before in my life. I did mention Klipper for KDE that I found before solving the problem of inter toolkit selection grabbing. But never X-Win32.

I can remove the hook by patching xwin to send out WM_ACTIVATE message's to a single xwinclip instance (this of course can be run from within XWin anyway). But I think that's not what you want either.

I just want a solution that works identically to the dozen or so commerical implementations that have conquered this very problem. I won't be satisfied until we have clipboard support that rivals the commercial X Servers for MS Windows.
As I and others have said here, the commercial ones aren't much better but they don't grab the selection (it's about the only good thing they do).

Either way unless you can obtain source code or a developer who worked on these you're stuck as to identically doing it. The question you have to ask yourself is if you need to do that. You seem dedicated to copying the selection every time a user highlights something. Why? I doubt seriously that commercial software is doing something so obviously wastefull.


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