
Nigel Hathaway wrote:
It doesn't work for me.

Here is my command line:

C:\cygwin\usr\X11R6\bin\XWin.exe -fullscreen -nowinkill -once -query
jeeves -clipboard

I have a local (global to the local machine, set via 'My Computer icon -
w2k) environment variable DISPLAY=tuppy:0.0.

I have this because the x server doesn't seem to be serving on localhost.
If I run xterm locally, I get an xterm on my display (I have set up the
permissions to do that).  I can run xwinclip.exe and that works fine.

It seems that the winClipboardProc should pick up what IP address(es) the
server is serving on, now it is built in

Yeah, it would maybe seem that that would be easy... but I can't really tell how to figure out, from within the server, what hostname the server is listening on. If you, or someone else, could figure that out, then it would really speed up how quickly I can actually take some action on this.

Is there currently any way of telling it either to serve on localhost as
well as the Ethernet adapter, or telling the clipboard function  which
adaptor the x server is serving on?
Not that I know of.

Thanks for testing,


Nigel Hathaway

Barnabas Projects Limited
Tel: +44 117 937 4197

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