
I have a question which I could not find the answer to in searching the

I am trying to make window management in cygwin/xfree the same way I have it
set up in exceed.  I start up tcsh in exceed with my xterm command which
opens up an x window with the tcsh prompt.  From this prompt, every time I
type "emacs &", it will bring up a new xwindow with the emacs program.

I cannot figure out how to do this in cygwin/xfree.  From my tcsh prompt, I
type "xwin" to start the xfree window.  Now, every time I type "emacs &", it
opens up an emacs in the same xfree window.  I am wondering how I can get it
to open up a separate xfree window each time I type "emacs &" as I can in

I tried messing around with the xwin -screen option, but I could not come up
with anything...


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