Hallo Harold and Kensuke,

Is it possible in XWin -multiwindow, to have the keyboard focus follow the
active window?  When I switch windows with ctrl-tab, and start typing, input
still goes to the previous window.

Or is this not desirable for some reason?



PS. Until now, I was using XWin -rootless, and mwm handled keyboard focus.
Am I correct that you don't need a (or another) window manager with

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Harold L Hunt II [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: woensdag 12 maart 2003 16:33
> To: cygx; cygxannounce
> Subject: [ANNOUNCEMENT] Server Test 79
> Links:
> I just posted Test 79 to the server development page:
> http://xfree86.cygwin.com/devel/shadow/
> You can install the Test 79 package via setup.exe by selecting the
> following version of the XFree86-xserv package:               4.2.0-27
> Server Test Series binary and source code releases are now
> available via the sources.redhat.com ftp mirror network
> (http://cygwin.com/mirrors.html) in the
> pub/cygwin/xfree/devel/shadow/ directory.  You may wish to note the
> desired filename in the links below, then download from your
> closest mirror (http://cygwin.com/mirrors.html).
> Server binary, direct link:
> http://www.msu.edu/~huntharo/xwin/shadow/XWin-Test79.exe.bz2 
> (1203 KiB)
> Server source, direct link:
> http://www.msu.edu/~huntharo/xwin/shadow/xwin-20030312-0937.ta
r.bz2 (108

xc/programs/Xserver/hw/xwin (all files) diff against Test78 source code:
http://www.msu.edu/~huntharo/xwin/shadow/xwin-Test78-to-Test79.diff (13 KiB)


1) MultiWindow Mode - Fix for the focus jumping rapidly and
uncontrollably between windows in certain scenarios.  (Kensuke



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