
We have had similar reports of trouble connecting to Solaris 9 from Cygwin/XFree86. We have also had a similar report that everything works OK but that the fonts are squished if you instead specify a SunOS 2.6 machine as the font server. Sounds to me like this is due to something that Sun has changed.

You know, Sun tends to do things their own way just because they want to be different, not because their decision will provide any benefit to their users. As such, I believe that your only path to a solution here is to bug Sun until they tell you what they changed. You can try to get a bug report filed for Solaris 9 asking them to revert the change. I doubt you will have much luck.


Is anyone accessing Solaris-9 from a W2K client using an XDMCP query via a
batch file with the line:
"start XWin.exe -query <solaris9-host> "
I had to add "fp tcp/<solaris9-host>:7100"
in order to get the Solaris-9 CDE login window to appear.  I log in OK but
the CDE window that appears has a munged up post script sign in the bottom
right-hand corner.  this is not a problem to me except that it also gives
me an error when I try to run a graphical application.  If I point the font
server to a Solaris 2.6 machine, the application works, but the output is
squashed down so it is very hard to read.  I suspect this is a font
problem, but I don't know how to fix it.  Is anyone a Solaris-9/cygwin
expert that may have any suggestions here?

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