Howdy Colin et. al,

There is a quick, easy fix for the 16x16 bitmask icon problem.
At winmultiwindowwindow.c, line 1961 there's an if statement:
  if (iconPtr->drawable.width > 16 || iconPtr->drawable.height > 16)
    iconSize = 32;
    iconSize = 16;

Replace it completely with just
  iconSize = 32

and all your problems are solved.  There are assumptions that
are made in the scaler that aren't valid for sub 32-bit wide
icons or masks, and since the scaler can increase as well as
decrease the image, it all works just fine.

---------- Original Message -------------
Subject: RE: Custom icons per window class/name patch
From: "Colin Harrison" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
I don't get the xclock watch icon on my remote linux boxes either, (RedHat
8.0 and 7.3, KDE) using
XFree86-4.2.0-72 and XFree86-4.2.0-8 which are RH's latest released rpms for
these disto versions!
Cygwin is at 4.2.0-1. Looks like a red herring anyway, I can't fault any
'normal' (as in longstanding) X app icon handling through XWin!
Could be, it's not too big of a deal anyway since the masks seem to be
OK (OTW you would have a non-white clock face...)

-Earle F. Philhower, III

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