
The middle-click functionality of the mouse wheel is highly driver dependent.

For example, I have Microsoft Intellipoint installed (you can use it with other mice, I believe) and I have left the wheel click as "AutoScroll (default)". Clicking the mouse wheel works just fine in X applications. However, clicking the mouse wheel in Win32 Emacs causes the little AutoScoll symbol to appear instead of pasting. If you click the mouse wheel again, the AutoScroll disappears and the pasting occurs. If you change the wheel click to anything other than the default, then pasting in Win32 Emacs doesn't work at all (IIRC).

So what does that make us? Nothing. :)

Back on topic --- the point is that I have only had good experiences with Intellipoint in wheel click behavior.

Now, for your particular case we may be able to find out if the Logitech drivers are registering a new mouse message for wheel clicks. If that is the case then we can query to see if that message has been registered and start handling it if it has been registered. If you can do the detective work on this (look on Logitech site, MSDN, etc.) then I might be inclined to polish it up into a fix for you.


Staf Verhaegen wrote:

I already reported this once before but got no reply so I'll try again.
I'm running the newest X version from setup (4.2.0-43) updated today.
I'm problems with using the scroll wheel as a middle mouse button in X.
The scroll messages of the wheel mouse are transferred OK to X. E.g in mozilla running under X I can scroll the window with the scroll wheel.
It's when I click the scroll that nothing happens in X.
I'm using Win2K SP3, and the mouse is configured with the Logitech MouseWare Control Center (Control Center V9.60.146, Mouse Driver V9.60).
I can assign different bindings to clicking the scroll wheel. I tried 'Unassigned', 'Middle Button' and 'Double Click' but nothing of that made a difference.
I also ran X in fullscreen, as a window on the desktop or in -multiwindow but also this didn't make any difference.
I'm a long time UNIX user and the lack of a middle mouse button is a big handicap (for example in mozilla I use to open a link in a new tab and the copy and paste mechanism of X depends on the middle mouse button).
Any ideas to get this working (other then using 3 button mouse emulation by clicking left and right mouse button at the same time) ?


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