I want to report a XWin failure, I think related to the problem
discussed in this thread.

My instalation:
$cat /proc/version
CYGWIN_95-4.0 1.3.22(0.78/3/2) 2003-03-18 09:20

Version of XFree86-xserv : 4.3.0-3

The problem appears only with the -multiwindow option.

$XWin -multiwindow &
[1] 996399
$xterm &
[2] 627351

The xterm functions perfectly well.
Then I close xterm with exit.
[2]+  Done                    xterm

Now I close the X server by clicking Exit in the button on the taskbar.

An alert window of WINDOWS appears telling that XWin has executed an invalid
instruction an that the PC should be rebooted. Details:

XWIN provocó un fallo de pila en el módulo KERNEL32.DLL de 014f:bff725c5.
EAX=002a0037 CS=014f EIP=bff725c5 EFLGS=00000287
EBX=fe6a9000 SS=0157 ESP=0173e04e EBP=0173e062
ECX=815e28fc DS=0157 ESI=0173e072 FS=0eaf
EDX=815e28fc ES=0157 EDI=815e28fc GS=0df6
Bytes en CS:EIP:
6a ff e8 d0 85 01 00 eb e7 55 8b ec 56 57 53 8b
Volcado de pila:
fe6a9000 815e290c 0173e072 e0b00173 3ec40173 0173e0bc bff7294f 815e28fc
0173e072 012f7a98 01870028 e0df0002 00000173 e0900000 00000173 ebd60000

In the rxvt window from which XWin was started one gets a message:

[1]+  Done                    XWin -multiwindow

I have attached the /tmp/XWin.log  file.

If XWin is started and then closed, without running any Xwindow application,
there is no problem. I attach the XWin.log also for this case.

$XWin -multiwindow &
[1] 3623471
[1]+  Done                    XWin -multiwindow

I hope that this information could be useful.
Rodrigo Medina

Attachment: XWin.log.OK
Description: XWin.log.OK

Attachment: XWin.log.failure
Description: XWin.log.failure

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