
I am running Cygwin Xfree on a computer which has never seen a regular Cygwin installation (Windows NT4). It takes about 10MB disk space.

All binaries (*.exe; *.dll) are in a directory D:\xfree\bin (8,1 MB). I have set a path to that directory in xfree_start.bat.

Besides that you need fonts and some locale information. I have therefore put the following directory tree onto the C: drive, because this drive seems to be searched automatically:


/x11 contains the file rgb.txt and the two subdirectories /fonts and /locale.

/locale and its contents was just copied from the regular distribution, taking 423kB disk space.

/fonts contains only /100dpi /75dpi /Pex and /misc with 273kB disk space.

Then I start xfree with the xfree_start.bat file shown below. And that's probably all about it.



REM @echo off


SET PATH=%PATH%;d:\xfree\bin

cd d:\xfree\bin

start /B XWin-Test98.exe -screen 0 1024 768 -emulate3buttons 50 -rootless
REM start /B XWin-Test98.exe -screen 0 1024 768 -emulate3buttons 50 -multiwindow -clipboard

REM do not start xwinclip with -clipboard option
start /B xwinclip-Test08.exe

REM do not start window manager with -multiwindow option
run twm

run rxvt -bg yellow -sb -e sh
run rxvt -bg magenta -sb -e sh

xsetroot -cursor_name left_ptr -fg white -bg black xsetroot -solid cyan

run xmodmap xmodmap.de


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