
Great screen shot.

I have the following suggestions:

1) Make a full resolution version (1280x1024). Keep the shrunk version, but maybe standardize on 800 x 600?

2) Can you make a thumbnail while you are at it? Say 200 pixels wide?

3) Run 'uname' or 'uname -a' in the local xterm so that people realize it is running on your Windows machine.

4) Open an xterm on a remote host (or in your KDE session) and run 'uname' or 'uname -a' in it. Again, so people don't have to think :)

I think this could be a great shot.


Colin Harrison wrote:


While I was zapping spam this morning did a screen capture of XWin in use.

File attached (too large...rejected 1st time by >50k)is
the capture shrunk to 25cm width (~700 pixels wide) and saved as a .png
230KB. Did the shrink as it didn't look too good full size on my IE browser
(1280 x 1024 screen). I've posted the result also on an experimental (play
not pay!) website of mine:-

(This is not always up, 24/7 as it's on my development machine and via a DSL

The capture shows both XDMCP and multiwindow modes in action:-

1) A Windows XP desktop (tamed to remove all Telly Tubby/Early Learning
Centre themes and garbage :)).
2) A XDMCP KDE session to a remote RedHat linux box running Mozilla.
3) A remote Konsole shell being used to monitor spam being zapped on my
4) A remote Ethereal session being used to sniff my firewall traffic.
5) A local cygwin/xfree86 xterm.
6) A local cygwin/xfree86 xeyes showing shaped window/transparency.
7) My custom X selection menu from the XWin system tray icon.

I can post more of the same if you want (more web friendly or different
format/quality/size etc)?


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