Wow, your still so pissed off about being wrong, now you are attacking all of Harold's 
friends.  Boy, you're a big powerful man.  Let me bow before you.

#1.  I do not know Harold.  All I know about him is what I have learned by following 
this list for about a year.
#2.  I don't know you.  All I know about you is what you are posting to this list.
#3.  I don't need to defend my current opinion.  It is correct.  The only reason you 
are still posting like a 10 year old is because you know it is correct.  If my opinion 
is wrong, why don't you actually respond to the points that I and others have made, 
instead of trying to insult more people?
#4.  My past postings addressed the same issue.  The XFree86 people tend to behave 
like spoiled brat 10 years olds, fighting Harold every way that they can, while he 
continues to remain civil and present facts to support his issue, while the person on 
the other side ignores the facts and calls him names.
#5.  I have taken a small part in many other opensource projects (mostly under the 
jakarta umbrella) and I have never seen someone be as disrespectful and unhelpful as 
you (except for a couple of others on the XFree86 list, the last time they attacked 
Harold).  Maybe someone can enlighten me as to the history of the project 
administrators of XFree86 becoming the enemies of the project?  I would almost think 
they are on Microsofts payroll.

You are continuing to act like a complete schmuck.

Apologies to everyone else that continues to be annoyed by this pissing match.  I'm 
going to start enjoying the holidays now, so I'm done posting for a while :)


-----Original Message-----
From: Thomas Dickey [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, December 23, 2003 5:49 PM
Subject: RE: Proper attribution of patches

On Tue, 23 Dec 2003, Armbrust, Daniel C. wrote:

I've seen your postings before, and have no use for your opinions.
(that seems to be a common trait of Harold's friends - I don't have to
address each one of them).

Thomas E. Dickey

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