On Tue, Jan 06, 2004 at 01:48:24AM -0500, Harold L Hunt II wrote:
> 2) The only problem with step #1 is that we have to detect when we are 
> doing an XDMCP connection and delay the clipboard client connecting to 
> the X Server until the XDMCP connection has been made.  If we don't, 
> then the XDMCP code will perform a server reset, the clipboard client 
> will re-attach, XDMCP will perform a reset, ad nauseum.  Well, it isn't 
> quite that bad because the clipboard client crashes the server shortly 
> after the first reset :)  I can detect when XDMCP is being used, but I 
> haven't found a good way to detect that XDMCP has connected to the X 
> server... I suppose I could monitor the total client count and use that 
> as a signal, but I would have to poll it.  More later.
Ah!  So that explains why I need the sleep between the -query call
which makes the XDMCP connection and calling xwinclip (I'm still using
the separate xwinclip).


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