On Sun, Feb 22, 2004 at 03:16:12PM -0500, Igor Pechtchanski wrote:
> On Sun, 22 Feb 2004, Elvin Peterson wrote:
> > --- Chris Green <chris<at>areti<dot>co<dot>uk> wrote:
> Elvin,
> Please configure your mail client to not quote raw e-mail addresses in
> replies -- they're just so much fodder for spambots.
I don't believe that E-Mail addresses appearing here attract much
spam.  I use the address below only for e-mail list subscriptions and
while it does get a few bits and pieces of junk mail the amount is
trivial, maybe two or three a day.

According to research done on this the vast bulk of spam gets to
addresses which appear on (popular) web pages and my experience bears
this out.  Even addresses on usenet don't attract much spam nowadays,
I use a real address for usenet postings and it gets even less spam
than [EMAIL PROTECTED] gets.


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