4.3.0-45 change log:

# xc/lib/font/fontfile/dirfile.c, encparse.c, fontfile.c - Some more font path checks. (David Dawes)
# xc/lib/font/fontfile/dirfile.c - Fix an exploitable buffer overflow. (Greg MacManus (iDEFENSE Labs))

That helps to explain at least part of it... but I don't understand why the paths were valid before but not valid now. Anyone care to look into this?

As for the MIT-SHM support: the current build that I have in preparation for -55 properly enables/disables MIT-SHM support depending on whehter ipc-daemon2 is running or not. I can only assume that my build tree got messed up at some point. I did a complete rebuild yesterday so it might have fixed that bustage.


Dr. Volker Zell wrote:

Hi all

Because lack of time I tried switching from XWin-44 to XWin-54 today and
got the following errors in my XWin.log which were not present in
XWin-44 (see logfile below), 2 font paths could not be initialized and
IPC support was disabled although cygip2 was running (as can be seen in
the log file from XWin-44)

I also had the XWin versions 47 and 49 handy, so I'm attaching also the
their logfiles. As can be seen IPC support is not recognized anymore in
47 and the path initialization problems show up in 49.

Any hints, cause I really need IPC support and don't want to sty behind
with my XWin version.


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