David Fraser wrote:

Harold L Hunt II wrote:

We will soon (possibly next week) be releasing a new version of all Cygwin/X packages built from the source code tree managed by X.org and hosted on freedesktop.org. This will be a very good thing since all of the Cygwin/X developers will be able to stay in sync with the exact code that is in distribution via CVS, compared to our current system today where the code in distribution has many differences from that in CVS. The rebuild won't mean much to end users: all libraries remain binary compatible with the current packages and the contents of the release (programs, etc.) will be almost identical.

In case you have not noticed, I created a build and packaging script system for Cygwin/X last week (took 60+ hours). This script system does a few things for us, such as allowing us to easily distribute source tarballs via Cygwin's setup.exe. More importantly, the script system allows us to exercise a finer control over what files each package contains and how many packages we break the distribution up into. We can very easily rename current packages when we make the next release, we can split existing packages into pieces, or we could take a set of packages, roll them back together, then split that entire mess into mixed pieces of the originals.

I am mentioning this now because I can think of a few things that I would like to change in our package layout in time for the X.org release, but I would also like to get feedback from the community on what you think would be useful. Please take a look at my brief list of ideas below and send your thoughts to the mailing list if you have something about our packaging that you have wanted changed for a long time.

My Proposals for Packaging Changes
1) Due to popular demand, rename the "prog" package to "devel". The name "devel" matches the defacto standard used by other packages for link libraries and header files; most people have no idea what the "prog" package is for, but they do know what a "devel" package is for.


2) Split the "bin" package into at least a few pieces (but not too many pieces):

2a) "bin-dlls" will contain the .dll files only. This would allow packages like emacs or xemacs to depend only on bin-dlls instead of on the entire bin package which includes programs not used by emacs nor xemacs.

2b) "bin-lndir" would contain the lndir utility. lndir has no dependence on X libs and can be used by any programmer for non-X projects.

2c) "bin-apps" would contain all other applications originally contained in "bin" but not contained in "bin-dlls" nor "bin-lndir".

This sounds great... although I wonder whether it would be good to split bin-apps into bin-apps (xterm, xeyes, etc) and bin-utils (xauth, xhost etc)

Not sure... it might work okay.

3) Rename all fonts packages from "f100, cyr, fenc, fnts, fscl" to something like "fonts-100dpi", "fonts-cyrillic", "fonts-encodings", "fonts-75dpi", and "fonts-scalable".


4) Split the "fnts" package into a "fonts-required" and "fonts-75dpi". fonts-required should be a very small package that would allow people to minimize their download if they are using Xdmcp to reach a KDE or Gnome desktop, both of which you client-rendered fonts (few fonts required on your Cygwin/X host in that case).


5) Rename the "lib" package to something more meaningful. The name currently implies that it might contain link libraries or run-time libraries, but it really contains files shared among X packages. Perhaps "shared-files" would be a better name. I would appreciate it if someone would look into what Debian and/or Fedora call this package.

Fedora has all the /usr/X11R6/lib/locale/ files, /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/rgb.txt /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/XErrorDB and /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/XKeysymDB in XFree86-libs-data, the /usr/X11R6/include/X11/bitmaps/ files in XFree86-devel, and on my system doesn't have /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xedit/lisp/ files so I can't say.
So I guess libs-data is a good name...

Okay, thanks for looking into that. "libs-data" doesn't sound too bad. Now to figure out what debian calls it.

6) Rename "fsrv" to "font-server".


7) Rename "html" to "manual-pages-html".

8) Rename "man" to "manual-pages".

what about docs and docs-html for these too?

There was a different "docs" package that had the protocol specifications documents in it. I figured that "manual-pages" would imply that these are documents read with "man", not regular text documents. The html package is just html versions of those manual pages.

I dunno... let me know what Fedora calls these packages.

Let us know what you think of those and send in your own suggestions as well.


Just some ideas



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