
Each user needs a unique display number, which is specified as N in the following:

XWin :N

Such as:

XWin :0 (default display zero)
XWin :1 (display one)

You can either hard-code these in startup scripts for each user, or you can help us with the feature that automatically assigns display numbers... but the true difficulty in that is communicating the assigned display number back to the shell from which XWin was launched so that X programs can know the correct display to connect to.


Joel Moots wrote:

I am able to successfully run XWin after logging onto a W2K Server via
Terminal Services, but if another user attempts to do the same thing at
the same time, she is not allowed. Is there some way to set this up so
that 2 instances of XWin can be running at the same time? Do we each
need our own Cygwin /tmp dir?

I found many references to Terminal Services in the mail list archives
but none pertaining to multiple users.



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