Dr.D.J.Picton wrote:

Earlier this week, I re-installed Cygwin from scratch. The current version of the X server is 4.3.0-60.

I noticed various oddities - in particular, application default files
were ignored and the keyboard map was incorrect (for example, '#' produced
a '\'). Then I realized that the server now expects to find all the config
files under /usr/X11R6/lib/X11. Installing a few symlinks fixed all the problems:

cd /usr/X11R6/lib/X11; ln -s /etc/X11 .

Now everything works properly.   However, it seems to me that something is
wrong with the package installation scripts which should either install all
the files in /usr/X11R6/lib/X11, or create the relevant symlinks in this

What are you talking about? The postinstall script for the lib package does exactly what you did... your installation must have barfed for some reason because those symlinks have been created by that script for months now, if not for longer than a year. Nothing has changed with that script that I know of, unless I royally broke something.


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