
This is probably unimportant, but I thought I'd
mention it just the same... :)

I have my Windows Taskbar at the top of the screen
(instead of the bottom as it is by default).

Running XWin -multiwindow, I open an xterm and move it
right to the bottom of the screen. I open another
window (e.g. Explorer) and move it over the xterm,
completely covering it, and then away again. There is
a white line left, covering the bottom of the xterm,
exactly as thick as the Windows Taskbar. Typing in the
xterm doesn't remove this line, nor does using the
scrollbar. Moving the xterm a few pixels up redisplays
only those pixels that have now appeared above where
the line was. The only was to get the entire xterm
back again is to move the entire window above the
height of the line.

Does multiwindow mode make some assumptions about
where the Windows Taskbar is placed? I tried -mwextwm
and the problem doesn't appear.

Any ideas?


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