Hello dear mailing list participants,
I have got following issue with Xfree86 version
of cygwin, interplaying with X-server on Solaris:
right mouse button still does not work. I do see
events (via xev) of the form (if I remember correctly):
RightMouseRised with status 0x10 and NumLock is
defintely NOT set (I have seen one message  in 
mailing list archives pointing in this direction
as being one of the possible causes for the problem).
I also do know  for sure  that right mouse functionality
is provided in at least following X-servers for
Win32: Exceed by Hummingbird and Secure Global Desctop
by Tarantella do provide this functionality. Any suggestions
how we could solve the issue? I on my part will be surely
glad to provide any additional information needed to resolve
the issue.

With Best Regards

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