On Fri, May 28, 2004 at 11:20:57AM +0200, Ariel Burbaickij wrote:
> Hello dear mailing list participants,
> as you might know by my previous mail
> I am pretty much bound to Sun platform and
> ocassionally need this or that terminal
> that it specific to this platform (e.g.
> sun-cmd or dtterm). Have we some terminal
> emulator in cygwin XFree86 that is capable of
> emulating these terminals?
The terminal emulator is a client of the X server.  Thus if your
applications are running on a Sun system you run the Sun terminal you
require on the Sun and display it on the X server (which may well be
Cygwin/X on a PC).

I suppose you might be wanting to telnet to a remote Sun system using
an existing Cygwin terminal window running on your PC, in that case I
think you are out of luck.

I suppose what I'm suggesting is that you run cygwin/X and use xdm to
display your Sun desktop on your PC, then you can have Sun terminals
as you want.

For what it's worth I have used Solaris platforms for development for
many years but I weaned myself off the Sun proprietory terminal
emulators very early on.  I've standardised on rxvt (which is
essentially an xterm without tektronix graphics) and find that there
is very little I can't do with that.

What do you need sun-cmd or dtterm for?


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