Well, I also have problems with this, and although it is probably not a bug
report, I was unable to resolve the following two issues by reading documentation.

1. Sometime ago, in some old version of cygwin (I apologise for not being able to
tell you which one exactly) I was able to display a window from another machine
by doing ssh and then setting the DISPLAY variable to point to the cygwin box
(before that the remote host was added to the list of allowed hosts). Now with the
latest version this does not work (I get an error message "Xlib: no protocol specified"),
only ssh -Y does. But this results in much slower performance, and therefore the
question is: was it an intentinal change or there is some new step that I am supposed
to do now to be able to just point to my cygwin box?

2. Now, when I try to run sshd on the cygwin box (and I set up the ssh server
according to the README file) I am able to check that the server works by logging
in from the bash prompt where I am already logged on, but not from any remote
host, or even from the same prompt but logged on as another user. Before upgrading
to the most recent version everything worked just fine.

These problems I have on both WinXP and Win2K, with or without ZoneAlarm
5 or 4.5.

Any suggestions?



On Wed, 13 Oct 2004, savantsaro wrote:

box 1: Windows 2000 Server

box 2: Mac OS X 10.3 (Panther)

cygwin was installed with openssh, today, from the latest setup.exe.

FYI, it's probably a good idea to review <http://cygwin.com/problems.html> before sending bug reports... Reading /usr/share/doc/Cygwin/openssh.README would also help.

Basic scenario:
startxwin.bat -> X icon appears in taskbar, terminal opens
ssh -Y -l username box2name -> ssh connection is established and works fine
emacs & -> [1]+ Stopped      emacs

Troubleshooting already done:
I have also tried with putty, with X11 tunneling enabled, and tried
running other apps (specifically a java swing application, which does
not stop but simply does nothing on box 1)
The DISPLAY environment variable was not set.

There's your problem. You should set it before running "ssh -Y". For example try either

export DISPLAY=:0.0; ssh -Y [EMAIL PROTECTED]

or even


-- both should work.

I tried setting it to "localhost:0.0" and to ":0", with no effect.
The config files for ssh (~/.ssh/config and /etc/ssh_config) did not

Ah. Did you run /bin/ssh-user-config?

I created the first one with a single line (ForwardX11 yes) with no

Please help. I know cygwin is a good, working program, and I'm an
intelligent computer guy - why won't it work for me?

Maybe Cygwin just doesn't like you? ;-)
You know, <http://cygwin.com/acronyms/#WJM>...

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