On Mon, 4 Oct 2004, Ariel Burbaickij wrote:

> BTW, do I understand it right then that it is possible
> to set different keyboard layout for each Xnest
> server started -- that would be really cool 
> because it is exactly what I need. Surpisingly,
> though Xwin does not start when layout is set
> to Russian (neither custom made Russian --
> phonetic layout nor standard one - ICUKEN)
> Any help? Probably Igor can jump in.

This is a quite useless bugreport. How do you start XWin 
to use russian layout? The XWin.log file might also give
some hints why XWin does not start up.

XWin -xkblayout ru starts XWin and xev reports some 
cyrillic keypresses.

There is a section in the FAQ about non-us keyboard layouts too.

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