I have installed cygwin, plus Cygwin-X, to c:\progra~1\cygwin. I have used it
that way for years.  However, I have noticed that when I try to run an
X-Windows program using the pre-defined shortcuts in the start menu, such as
xcalc or bitmap, that they will not run.  When I look at the properties of the
program I get this error message with run.exe:

Error: Couldn't find Files\cygwin\usr\X11R6\bin\run.exe" -p /usr/X11R6/bin
xcalc -display anywhere. I even looked in the PATH...

It appears that the shortcut uses "C:\Program Files" in it and the space is
causing problems.  I have modified the startxwin.bat and startxwin.sh scripts
so that the proper directory is being used but that did not make a difference. 
I can run these programs from the command line without any problems.  It just
appears that the run command needs to take into account that it might reside in
a directory with spaces in it.


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