On Wed, 9 Mar 2005, Joseph Miller wrote:

Commenting the list:

30+ Reasons Why X-Win32 is Better than Cygwin/X                 
> #       Features        Cygwin/X        X-Win32
> 1       3-D Hardware Acceleration for OpenGL    No      Yes

It is work in progress but it works for a lot of programs.

> 2       Graphical Configuration Tool    No      Yes

There are a lot of tools out there but they have not been integrated 
into the distribution because they all depend on commercial compilers
and class libraries.

> 3       Professional Install Engine     No      InstallShield
> 4       Download & Installation Time    1-3 Hours       5-10 minutes

This is just plain wrong. Cygwin/X installs with the cygwin setup and this
is fast too. Xming does match these criterias as well.  

> 5       Stability       Medium  High

Quite unclear wording. I use Cygwin/X in my daily work and this proves it's 
stability. The multiwindow mode still has some issues but is very stable too.  

> 6       Display Number Setting  Manual  Automatic
> 7       Copy & Paste    Text    Text & Bitmaps
> 8       Per User Preference Savings     No      Yes

This coresponds to the configuration tool. Any user may give different options
on the commandline. You can create shortcuts with these options and can startup
different configurations with on click. 

> 9       Multiple XDMCP Sessions Manual  Automatic

Not sure what they mean with it. X-Win32 does connect automaticly to all XDMCP
servers in the network? *g*

> 10      Corporate Tech Support  No      Yes
> 11      Corporate Bug Fix Support       No      Yes

This corresponds to "bucks to pay". Cygwin/X  is free and you have a community 
which gives support. Critical bugs are usually fixed after few days.  

> 12      Passing of Display Number to SSH Client Manual  Automatic
> 13      Integrated SSH Client with GUI  No      Yes

This is an xserver not a multi purpose tool. With OpenSSH and putty there are 
two great ssh implementations available which are easy to use with Cygwin/X.

> 14      Multiple Window Mode Performance        Slow    Fast/Very Stable

The stability can be improved. But the performance is good.

> 15      GDI Acceleration of X Graphics Primitives       No      Yes
> 16      Graphical Keymap Editing Tool   No      Yes

Cygwin/X uses XKB. There are many tools for XKB support available which are
not limited to only one xserver implementation

> 17      Desktop Shortcut Feature        No      Yes
> 18      Session Organizing (by Folder)  No      Yes
> 19      RGB Editing Tools       No      Yes

Who needs it?

> 20      Session Wizard  No      Yes
> 21      Selection of Which Errors to Log        Command-Line    GUI
> 22      Error Log Presentation  Text File Only  GUI and Text File
> 23      Compensation for Cable Modem NATs       No      Yes -- IPsmart

Use SSH!

> 24      User Interface Language Support English Only    6 Languages
> 25      Size    45MB    19MB

Xming is 9MB. Additional 75dpi and 100dpi fonts are ~10MB per package
> 26      Session Specific Window Modes   No      Yes
> 27      Last Session Terminate Support  No      Yes
> 28      Pre-Configured xterms for Linux, UNIX   No      Yes

What's this? Cygwin/X ships an xterm and cygwin has the termcap for it.
Where is the need for configuring xterm for different unices?

> 29      Session Auto Start      No      Yes
> 30      Panning Support No      Yes
> 31      Suport for Multiple Users (e.g. Terminal Services)      No      Yes

Is Cygwin/X worth it's money? Definitly yes *g*

 http://www.gotti.org           ICQ: 126018723

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