Hi there,

I don't know how useful an answer this is going to be,
but for what its 
worth, I also use mrxvt, though this trick will work
with any terminal. 
Its not translucency, but transparency - I must
confess to not really 
understanding the difference.

I run Cygwin/X with -multiwindow, so each mrxvt window
launches as a 
"proper" Windows window. I then use standard Windows
transparency to make my terminals transparent. The
neatest app I've 
found to set this is PowerMenu(1). Hope this is

Incidentally, mrxvt seems to me to be nearly perfect
as a terminal (no - 
I'm not trying to start a flame war :). I start it as

C:\Cygwin\usr\local\bin\mrxvt.exe -geometry 140x40
-bgfade 50 -stt -bc 
-xft -xftfn "Monospac821 BT" -xftaa -xftsz 14 -ht -b
20 -bg
  Black -fg DarkSeaGreen +sb -sl 5000 --color1 tan3
--color2 chartreuse4 
--color3 LemonChiffon --color4 CornflowerBlue --color5
firebrick4 --
color6 LightBlue3 -e /usr/bin/bash --login -i

which gives me anti-aliased fonts, multiple terminals
(ctrl-alt-n for a 
new shell, shift-(left|right arrow) to cycle, and
allows for jpeg/png 
backgrounds (try

echo -ne "\E]20;image.jpg;\a"




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