Joe Krahn wrote:
Joe Krahn wrote:

One thing I found is that some Bitmap data are 16-bit aligned and some are 32-bit aligned. This is probably the source of horizontal line patterns, which I suspect occur for any not-divisible-by-32 size.

A test: if 16 versus 32 bit alignment is the problem, then icons 33-48 bits wide should be broken, but 49-64 should work. Does someone have some X client code handy to test this idea? If so, can you test both NET icons, and traditional Pixmap icons?


Wow... I see that 4 of 7 Active Contributors are working on icon support. I guess it's time to really get icon handling done right.

The alignments are definitely wrong. 32-bit alignment is for DIBs. Other Win32 bitmaps are 16 bit aligned. But, 32-bit may work sometimes by chance. I don't have problem icons, so someone else should test this:

In winmultiwindowicons.c, change these (first line occurs twice):

  stride = ((iconSize * effBPP + 31) & (~31)) / 8;
  maskStride = ((iconSize * 1 + 31) & (~31)) / 8;


  stride = ((iconSize * effBPP + 15) & (~15)) / 4;
  maskStride = ((iconSize * 1 + 15) & (~15)) / 4;

I also prefer ">> 2" instead if "/ 4", but optimization should convert it to a shift anyhow.

I also noticed that winScaleXBitmapToWindows() seems to totally disregard mapping the pixel data to RGB. I assume this means that the device-dependent X Pixmaps have an identical data format as device-dependent Win32 bitmaps. However, image scaling is by nearest-neighbor only, and it does not handle monochrome bitmaps or NET_WM icons.

Also, there is too much duplicated but inconsistent stuff among the window-manager modes. I think the right thing to do is to extract all icons functions into one place. It would be good to consolidate some other things as well, like some of the Window functions.


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