On Tue, Jan 17, 2006 at 01:29:30PM +0200, Maarika Traat wrote:
> Hello!
> I am a complete newcomer to the Cygwin community. I installed the
> default packages yesterday, and am now trying to understand what and
> how I can really do. Can I, in principle, see the display of any
> application I run on the remote server? For example, should I be able
> to see the display of Mozilla that I run remotely? (At the moment this
> attempt has failed.) Or are there special packages I should download
> in order to be able to do this? In general - can you suggest any
> helpful sources (besides the User Guide and the FAQ on Cywin/X page)
> where I can check which packages I should download for which
> applications?
Yes, you should be able to see any program that normally runs on the
'local' screen on the remote system on your Windows PC that's running
Cywin/X instead.

Remember that 'server' and 'client' are probably not the way you think
they are.  The server is your windows PC that you are looking at that
is running Cywin/X.  The client is the application running on the
remote Linux/Unix/OtherX system.

You shouldn't need any more packages assuming you have downloaded the
default set.

I run my whole Linux desktop on my Windows PC without problems using
Cygwin/X (and xdm on the remote Linux system).


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