X11 has been working fine on my PC for 2 years. This week I started
getting an error message box whenever I try to run startxwin.bat a 2nd
time in order to launch a 2nd xterm. The xterm comes up but only after
the error message box appears.

XWin.log contains this...

Fatal server error:
Cannot establish any listening sockets - Make sure an X server isn't
already running
winDeinitMultiWindowWM - Noting shutdown in progress

Of course there's another X server running. I'm trying to open a 2nd
xterm. Never had a problem doing this until this week though. It's
almost like XWin.exe can't determine that another instance of itself is
already running.

Coincidentally I also installed util-linux this week. Could that have
caused this? I know there's an mcookie program that's part of that package.


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