Hi all.... my first question to this forum so be gentle.

I have two problems that seem to be related.

I have a home LAN setup with two FC4 boxes.

On the first FC4 box, I have setup XDMCP, and can connect to the XDMCP
via Xnest on the second box.

This works:     
      Xnest :1 -query <ip address> 

This tells me that XDMCP seems to be working properly on the first FC4

However, using cygwin/Xfree on an XP Pro notebook I cannot connect.
I continue to get the 'Too many retransmissions' message.

I've tried the following combinations of commands:
     Xwin -query <ip address>
     Xwin -query <ip address> -from <local ip address>
I have disabled completely the firewall on the XP Pro laptop, and have
no clue as to why it's not connecting.

Curiously enough though,  I can bring the same laptop into the office
connect it to the lan and use
     Xwin -query <ip address>
To start an XDMCP session to a Solaris 8 machine.

The second question is related, it involves XDMCP from the same laptop
to the same sun machine over a VPN.

Whenever I initialize an openvpn connection to the office, I can ping,
telnet, surf the local intranet, etc, etc. all over the vpn with no
difficulty.  However, when I try to connect to the Solaris 8 host
via xdmcp, I get the "Too many retransmissions" error after a couple of
minutes.  I've tried every set of Xwin command combinations I can think
of, with no success.

Does anybody have any ideas ?

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