Thank you for your responses, "Bengt-Arne Fjellner" <Bengt-Arne dot
Fjellner at ltu dot se> and <Jeff dot Blosser at wellsfargo dot com>.

I will try your suggestion, it should be a good workaround. By "lose a
window"  do you mean that the owning process will also die? Or just
that the window will no longer be accessible?

I do not have windows Netmeeting running. I do have VNC Server
running. Would that make a difference?

I think what I am looking for is either the behavior
- you get when the virtual desktop is larger then the screen size; the
screen is a scrolling window over the desktop
- some way to dynamically resize windows, like MS does for its windows.

Any suggestions? Thanks in advance.

- hemal

On 12/4/06, Hemal Pandya wrote:

I use cygwin-xfree on a laptop; either using the laptop's display or
by docking it and using an external display.

When the X server is started while usign the laptop's display, after
switching to the external monitor the X server does not use the entire
display area. For example, if I maximize the XEmacs window some area
in bottom remains unpainted.

Is there a way to get X to use the entire area in this case?

Thanks in advance,

- hemal

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