"Holger Krull" escribio,

jose isaias cabrera schrieb:


I am trying to connect to a Gentoo X Server and it is connecting, but I
don't seem to be able to open an xterm.  All I get is a full screen
without anything.  I am running this command:

XWin -query d-tuxedo

Are you sure XDMCP is enabled on this server?
Try Xwin -query gentoo.numeric.ip -from windows.nummeric.ip
I did that and I get the same thing. I get the Cygwin X Window with the title,

Cygwin/X - d-tuxedo.na.xde3.xerox.org

Is there a way to add a menu on the X in the taskbar? I see that there is a Show Cursor, an About and Exit. Can I add an XTerm to that? Because I think I am connecting, but I am not getting anything yet.


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