Phil Betts schrieb:
Thomas Dickey wrote on Wednesday, April 09, 2008 1:35 AM::

On Tue, 8 Apr 2008, Siegfried Heintze (Aditi) wrote:

But I have this ugly console hanging around. When I kill it, it
kills X as well. Is there a way to have an icon that does not
create a superfluous console window?
You could start an application (including xterm) which is initially
iconified.  That would move it out of sight.  This should work:

       xterm -iconic

The script needs _something_ that is holding onto the
shell script, to prevent it from exiting.

I don't think I made myself clear! When I said "ugly console" I meant
the cmd.exe console (possibly running bash). I think you are talking
about the initial xterm. The initial xterm is not a problem. How can
I start X without running cmd.exe?
hmm (I'm not where I can check).

However - I recall setting up some commands which use the Windows
"start" command with a "/min" option.

I'm not sure you can do this (easily) using startx, because the startx
mechanism relies on the script sticking around until the last client
exits.  The traditional (i.e. UNIX) server start-up would run a
window manager as a foreground task.  When the window manager exited,
the server shut down.

If you use startxwin.bat instead, this uses run.exe to start the server
in the background. This leaves the script free to exit, closing the cmd window. You will see the cmd window until the script exits, but this can be useful. If you never want to see the cmd window, you can create a shortcut to the script and set it to start minimized in its property sheet.

I use:
E:\cygwin\bin\bash.exe -c -l 'run bash -c -l "CYGWIN=server Xwin.exe :0 -query -from -once  -dpi 120 &" '

If you don't have cygserver running you should delete CYGWIN=server, if you 
don't need larger fonts delete -dpi 120

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