Eric Francis wrote:
> I've been using cygwin for a while now; but after a recent set of updates, 
> Xwin won't respond to anything from the keyboard (though other cygwin 
> utilities work like xterm/rxvt respond properly). 
> The attached setup.log_20081113 is an extract from /var/log/setup.log when I 
> ran the updates.  
> I ran the setup utility twice: the first time it stalled downloading libGLU1, 
> so I closed out of it and reran.  Everything worked fine before the updates, 
> but now no response from the keyboard.  
> I've tried running XWin.exe in various modes (rootless, multiwindow, 
> multiplemonitors) with and without 3rd party window managers (twm, window 
> maker, fluxbox built from source), and while it runs ok and responds the 
> mouse properly, it doesn't respond to anything typed from the keyboard (I 
> type stuff into an xterm window and nothing shows up, no keyboard shortcuts 
> work or anything).  
> I have since tried reinstalling everything (rebooting windows after 
> reinstalling), but with the same results.  

This has probably been posted several times before but...

The new xwin and startup scripts are in a new location. Change your
start menu shortcuts from C:\cygwin\usr\X11R6\bin C:\cygwin\bin.

You *might* be able to fix it without editing anything by reinstalling
the X-start-menu-icons package. It didn't work for me. I had to modify
the shortcut it created for the XWin Server and specify the "start in"
field as C:\cygwin\bin.


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