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Cesar Strauss wrote:
> There is a GTK application (gschem from www.geda.seul.org) that saves
> the position of its sub-dialogs when they close, so they reopen at the
> same place.
> Up to now, on Cygwin/X, this didn't always work well: in multi-window
> mode, dialogs kept reopening a little lower each time, by an amount
> equal to the title bar height.
> When xserver-1.5.3-1 came out, I was glad to see it was fixed.
> However, the symptom reappeared on xserver-1.5.3-2.

This is a case of trading one bug for another.  1.5.3-1 had an issue
with window geometry ignoring the window decoration (title bar and
window edging), meaning that a window at +0+0 (upper left corner) would
have its title bar past the top of the screen.

So we added a patch to move the window down and slightly right to
compensate for the window decoration.  But we need to account for that
adjustment when the location is saved, otherwise you get the constant
offsetting as you have demonstrated.

Jon, does this give you enough information to figure this out?

> A minimal testcase is attached, as well as the cygcheck -s -v -r output.
> [I should add that both the application and the testcase works
> correctly on GNU/Linux (Ubuntu Intrepid), that is, closed dialogs
> remember their positions.]

As I'm sure it would work with XWin in rooted mode with a standard
window manager.

Thanks for the bug report and test case.

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