On Sun, Nov 16, 2008 at 08:14:33PM -0600, Yaakov (Cygwin Ports) wrote:
>Hash: SHA256
>Jon TURNEY wrote:
>> I've finished off a first pass at updating the cygwin-x-doc package I started
>> some time ago.  Updating the text was a bit less traumatic than expected as 
>> it
>> makes good use of entities for things like filenames and paths
>> Interestingly there are CVS repositories for this package at both
>> sourceware.org and at X.org.  The X.Org one seems to be more up to date, and
>> seems to contain some (formatting) changes after the 1.0.4 package was made.
>That's certainly possible, but given that X.Org CVS is obsolete (in
>favour of git) and neither of us have X.Org commit privileges, I think
>we should move development back to sourceware.

I suspect that will mean that Jon will need write access to the CVS
repository.  If so, he should fill out the "handy dandy little form" at:
http://sourceware.org, select cygwin-xfree as the project and use either
Yaakov or me as the approver.

You can put whatever you like in this repository of course.


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